PAMIRA® SEED TREATMENT: Drop off seed treatment packaging, minimum 50 litres

Safely return packaging that cannot be rinsed, free of charge

PAMIRA® SEED TREATMENT offers you the option of dropping off your drained seed treatment packaging from 50 to 200 litres free of charge for safe and sustainable recycling. 

We accept packaging of this size under special conditions at our collection points, as most of them technically cannot be rinsed. This means that collection points must treat them as packaging containing hazardous substances. 

This year, you can drop off your seed treatment containers at the designated collection points from 4 to 8 March 2024. Please note that the collection points will no longer accept packaging after 8 March 2024. 

Register a drop-off

The registration deadline for taking back BEIZE packaging has expired.

The next campaign will take place in March 2025.

Acceptance conditions for seed treatment packaging minimum 50 L

In addition to pre-registration using our registration form, your packaging must meet the following requirements in order to be accepted: 

  • Drained, i.e. < 0.1% residual content
  • The packaging material is stacked upright, the opening is closed at the top with the original closure, valid type approval (not older than five years)
  • The label and UN no. must be visible from the outside
  • The packaging materials must be clean on the outside

In addition, you must attach the fully completed return slip to the packaging, which we will send you by post after you register. The return slip also serves as a transport document for transport to the SEED TREATMENT collection point.

Please note: Packaging that are not comply these acceptance conditions will be accepted at the PAMIRA® SEED TREATMENT collection point.


Do you have any questions?

Then simply call us, or send us an email! Your contact is happy to assist you personally with additional information, and will advise you on all recovery and recycling topics.

Lara Dambeck
+49 151 61860610