Packaging Material Recovery for Agriculture (PAckMIttel-Rücknahme Agrar): PAMIRA® is the recovery system for plant protection product and liquid fertiliser packaging in Germany. Our system enables farmers, horticulturists, nurseries and other professionals to disposal their empty and rinsed packaging free of charge.
In cooperation with the trade, packaging is taken back safely and sustainably at almost 400 collection points across Germany on specified dates with the help of trained inspection staff – and then passed on to our recycling partners. More than 90 per cent of the packaging recovered today finds a second life as recycled plastic products for the European cable protection industry.
More information under:
(responsible for the content: Industrieverband Agrar e. V. (IVA))
Annual report 2021 (German version)
Annual report 2022 (German version)
PAMIRA® was established in 1996 as a voluntary recovery system by the German crop protection industry in cooperation with the wholesale trade even before the introduction of the German Packaging Ordinance. The trademark owner is Industrieverband Agrar e.V. (the agricultural industry association). Its goal is to protect the environment and climate by ensuring the responsible and controlled recovery and recycling of rinsed pesticide and liquid fertiliser packaging.
The costs for collecting, logistics and the recycling the packaging are paid jointly by the plant protection product manufacturers. The use of the PAMIRA® logo on their packaging ensures that they can drop it off free of charge for recycling.
PAMIRA® users enjoy many benefits: Drop-off is free of charge. Users also receive legal proof of disposal in accordance with the German Commercial Waste Ordinance.
PAMIRA is part of the umbrella initiative "Clean farms" of the crop protection industry to commit to circular economy.
To the websitePAMIRA is part of the umbrella initiative "Clean farms" of the crop protection industry to commit to circular economy.
To the websiteWith PAMIRA®, we play an active role in achieving the goals of Responsible Care: For more than 30 years, the voluntary sustainability initiative has strived for continuous improvement of health protection, environmental protection and safety in companies in the chemical industry.
To the websiteIndustrieverband Agrar e. V. (the association of agricultural industries – IVA) represents the interests of the crop protection and fertiliser industry in Germany and is the creator of the PAMIRA® SYSTEM.
To the websiteRIGK GmbH is the system operator of PAMIRA® and PAMIRA® SEED TREATMENT. It organise the collection centre network and manages collections with trained inspection staff and proper documentation , offering retailers and manufacturers ready-made communication solutions.
In addition, it issues licenses for the use of the PAMIRA® logo on packaging to agricultural chemical distributors.
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