PAMIRA® news

PAMIRA® collects over 47 tons of pheromone dispensers during the 2024 collection campaign

PAMIRA®, short for Packaging Material Recovery for Agriculture (PAckMIttel-Rücknahme Agrar): PAMIRA® is the recovery system for plant protection product and liquid fertiliser packaging in Germany, operated by RIGK. Building on the success of special return campaigns for pheromone dispensers since 2020, PAMIRA achieved another highly successful campaign in 2024, further increasing collection volumes.

Thanks to the collection and return efforts of the vintners, the 2024 campaign achieved another record in return volumes.

During the 2024 campaign, which recently concluded, more than 47 tons of pheromone dispensers were collected at 17 collection dates and subsequently processed in an environmentally friendly manner. The dispensers are 100% materially recycled, thus remaining entirely within the resource cycle. By recycling the pheromone dispensers through PAMIRA®, vintners once again contribute significantly to environmental protection in viticulture. Feedback from conversations with vintners and collection site staff was overwhelmingly positive. Both the collection service and its organization were praised during this year's campaign.

Pheromone dispensers protect vines from the grapevine moth, a pest that can cause significant damage in vineyards. The trick: the pheromones confuse male moths, preventing them from finding and mating with females. This eco-friendly method of pest control leaves the issue of empty pheromone dispensers in the vineyard. The solution: vintners hang the pheromone dispensers in the spring after pruning and bring them to designated collection dates specifically for pheromone dispensers under the PAMIRA® scheme. These dispensers can be returned at all PAMIRA® collection sites during the campaign, free of charge for the vintners.

PAMIRA® is a registered trademark of the Industrieverband Agrar e.V. (IVA). The collection and recycling of the gathered packaging are managed by RIGK.