PAMIRA® news

NAP annual report 2023

The National Action Plan on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (NAP) is an plan of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Its aim is to reduce the risks and effects on human health and the environment that can be associated with the use of authorised plant protection products. In particular, dependence on plant protection products is to be reduced by taking into account the principles of integrated plant protection and the use of non-chemical plant protection methods. The NAP is an important component of the implementation of the Plant Health Framework Directive 2009/128/EC in Germany.

The "Annual Report 2023" brochure contains brief reports on the current status of implementation of selected measures under the NAP.

A key aspect of implementation involves the effective management of packaging and residual quantities, supported by established take-back and disposal systems such as PAMIRA® and the PRE-SYSTEM. These systems collaborate closely with partners and agricultural enterprises to promote environmentally sound disposal of used plant protection products. The report provides detailed information on both systems on pages 59 to 61.